Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thing #20

For starters, I visited Youtube before and I'm little familiar with how the use the site. There is all kind of unique things people put onYoutube that are educational. Even though my major is history I like getting a visual experience on the geography and geology of the earth. For this blog I'm sharing two Youtube videos that I think will be good for primary and secondary schools. Both videos are animations. One of the videos is called Plate Tectonics and it deals with the convection currents under the earths mantle the moves plate tectonic. The other video is a music video called Layers of the Earth. This video take people on a musical journey starting at the earth core.

I'm pretty sure that these videos can be fun to watch for students and teacher. I definitely can see these components of Youtube as being interesting if they were applied to my library website? I would even go as far as say that students will learn more.

If you've read this blog please checkout the two videos. You won't be disappointed.

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