Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thing #17

My experience with the Del.icio.us tagging and bookmarking was interesting. I created an account, found something to bookmark and tagged it. Even though I was able to complete these steps this I consider this web tool to be a waste of time. Granted it has a way to organize what is bookmarked, entering a URL for a bookmark, tagging, and then organizing the tags is too complex.  In addition, Del.icio.us does not compete with the Favorites display on the homepage of my computer. Favorites also has a organizer so the tools on Del.icio.us is really nothing new. However, I will give it credit for one thing. It can be accessed from any computer that has internet.

Personally, I cannot see Del.icio.us as a tool that has the potential to be used in the classroom. Therefore, teachers cannot not take advantage of this social bookmarking site.

Perhaps there are sites that are better or perhaps I missed the entire point behind the purpose of Del.icio.us. Nevertheless, I do not consider this a easy to create bookmarks.

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