Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thing #2

I decided on a posting name and the name of my blog by creating a phrase that most people are familiar with. "Cash Money" is a phrase that grabs people attention because money usually do.

For this to be my first time creating a blog it seemed very easy. It was less time consuming than when I first setup my e-mail account. Also, it has a better display of templates than my e-mail account.

My avatar reflects my personality because I'm a person who likes to be comfortable while doing the things I enjoying doing. For instance, upon creating this avatar it is summer time and it is hot. Therefore, my avatar is expressing what I am likely to be wearing under these conditions. It also displays some things that I would probably be doing in the summer such as listening to music and being on the computer.

For my avatar I found features that I thought best described what I looked like. In doing this, I'm giving other blogger who comment on my blog page the privilege of having an idea as to whom they blogging. I did this because appearances often say alot about the character of a person.

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