Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thing #18

I had a facebook account setup prior to posting this blog. Some friends of mine suggested that I connect with them though facebook and that how I got started with social networking.

As far as being an educator goes, social networking is very important. Through social networking educators can share their thought and opinions with each other that may be helpful. Educators can also communicate with their students about homework assignments, preparing for upcoming quizes, and test.

The insights that I gained about facebook is the fact that I am able to communicate openly with everyone or privately with others.

I like that I'm able to communicate with people using Facebook. On another note, I like that I was able to recently setup a Twitter account and explore it as a new social networking site. By looking at both sites I was able to explore how differently they are setup.

Even though I'm fond of Facebook I think Twitter has the most useful features. I found that I can follow on Twiiter in ways that I cannot on Facebook. In addition, I can see classroom and school applications for these sites. If I am mistaking I think some schools do use this application already.

A list of my Facebook friends can be seen by clicking here: Facebook

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