Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summary of the 23 Things

I'm so thankful that I am at the end of exploring this web 2.0 genre. Some of my favorite experiences on this learning journey was Animoto and LiveBinder. Web 2.0 has affected my lifelong learning goal by showing me a variety of think that become a more effective educator. The only tool that I think can be taken away from the Web 2.0 is Delicious. With the exception of Delicious there is nothing different that needs to be done to improve the format of this program.

The things I have learned from this program will influence my practice as a teacher because I plan to make some of these tools apart of my curriculum. The RSS feeds and blogging is the way I plan to keep up with new developments in Web 2.0. I'm sure these two tools will be very helpful to me.

Well, until next time bloggers. Be creative. Sure helpful information. Be responsible and blog on.

Thing #23

Concerning Creative Commons, the eample I choseto show for Learning 2.0-23Things for Teachers blog can be viewed at this site:
If I by some chance have to obtain a Creative Commons licensing in the future in order to effective as a teacher, I will make sure I going through the proper channels. I wouldn't want to be in violation of anybody's creative work.

Thing #22

I have created a binder from the web-tool called LiveBinder. The titles of my three binders are: Education, Games, and Animals.
My binder for Education can be viewed at: My LiveBinder.

The way I might use LiveBinder in my classroom is by share it with my students. I would show them how to create an account so they can organize their favorite website. I also would share websites with them that can help them study for quizes and tests.

Thing #21

My experience with the Animoto was great. I really liked create my on personal video. It was easy to do and there is a possibility that I might subscribe to Animoto. I created what I deem to be a cool video. Please check it out from this blog called My Animoto Video at the top of this blog page

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thing #20

For starters, I visited Youtube before and I'm little familiar with how the use the site. There is all kind of unique things people put onYoutube that are educational. Even though my major is history I like getting a visual experience on the geography and geology of the earth. For this blog I'm sharing two Youtube videos that I think will be good for primary and secondary schools. Both videos are animations. One of the videos is called Plate Tectonics and it deals with the convection currents under the earths mantle the moves plate tectonic. The other video is a music video called Layers of the Earth. This video take people on a musical journey starting at the earth core.

I'm pretty sure that these videos can be fun to watch for students and teacher. I definitely can see these components of Youtube as being interesting if they were applied to my library website? I would even go as far as say that students will learn more.

If you've read this blog please checkout the two videos. You won't be disappointed.

Thing #19

I am a member of a few online communities. Yes, I do find these social networks appealing to me. The most recent social network that I have find is called TeacherPop. I thing it's very interesting that APSU has this secure for professional teachers to communicate on. Creating TeacherPop was a very bright idea. I plan on  using TeacherPop in the future.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thing #18

I had a facebook account setup prior to posting this blog. Some friends of mine suggested that I connect with them though facebook and that how I got started with social networking.

As far as being an educator goes, social networking is very important. Through social networking educators can share their thought and opinions with each other that may be helpful. Educators can also communicate with their students about homework assignments, preparing for upcoming quizes, and test.

The insights that I gained about facebook is the fact that I am able to communicate openly with everyone or privately with others.

I like that I'm able to communicate with people using Facebook. On another note, I like that I was able to recently setup a Twitter account and explore it as a new social networking site. By looking at both sites I was able to explore how differently they are setup.

Even though I'm fond of Facebook I think Twitter has the most useful features. I found that I can follow on Twiiter in ways that I cannot on Facebook. In addition, I can see classroom and school applications for these sites. If I am mistaking I think some schools do use this application already.

A list of my Facebook friends can be seen by clicking here: Facebook